We’re a husband & wife team who love all things “story”. We appreciate good books, great TV & movies, and stories told over dinner. It’s no wonder we spend our time telling stories as a living.
We are located in central Virginia where we’re currently building our dream home on land, raising two girls and cultivating a slow life. We value time with our families, good food, a slow morning, homemade cappuccinos, and a garden bursting in bloom.
Our lives aren’t extraordinary or big by how the world would define it. But our small life doesn’t feel very small to us. We find immense joy in the beautifully mundane and, usually, unseen things. We have learned the value & joy of finding fullness in every day; tiny moments of wonder and beauty that make life so special. That’s the foundation of how we feel about every story we tell. No moment is too big or too small to tell.
dang good italian food
giving gifts
the perfect thrift find
a garden full of flowers
lovely people, kind words & Jesus Christ
crappy & craft coffee, equally
the smell of leaves in fall
summer rainstorms
mastering the next hobby
Jesus, The Word & good people
We believe wholeheartedly in the beauty of the moment. We strive to create films that feel real and a little messy. Aren’t the best things in life like this? A friendship where you can lay around in PJ’s and eat junk food, a walk back to your car in the pouring rain, toddlers picking out their own mismatched outfits, salt and sand in our hair from a day at the beach. Life holds this little “mess” all around us: moments of perfect imperfections, if we can stop to see it and appreciate it. This is what we hope to do in our work— to stop and give space to the moments that make life so beautiful. We want to create work that FEELS and TELLS. We’re for the sentimental ones, the ones who aren’t looking for a highlight reel of their wedding, but the ones who long for a home movie type of feeling, a time capsule of their entire journey and the feelings that go along with it.
If that’s you, you’re in the right place.
There is true power in video. Of course your photos will tell beautiful stories of your wedding day, but video holds your words, sounds, music and motion & those elements work together to tell stories and capture memories deeper than you could imagine. Your photos show what the day looked like. Video shows what the day felt like.
With almost a decade of filming weddings under our belt, we’ve realized how important it is to invest ourselves in every single story. This is very personal work to us. We are both on site with every single couple, we show up with fresh eyes to every wedding, we never outsource editing, we listen to every piece of audio and watch every single clip. We care deeply about our couples as individuals and care deeply about their story and making sure it’s told uniquely and intentionally. We’re about creating something deeper than just a pretty piece of work.
We hope to provide a warm and safe presence on the wedding day, allowing you to truly be yourself & allowing us to see you for who you are and capture that honestly. We are there for more than just your film, our heart is to come alongside you, serve you and honor you.
There is no template in creating a perfect film here. Your film deserves to be unique to you and you alone, no two films should ever be the same because no two stories are the same. It deserves to be told in great detail with attention given to the smallest moments and the greatest celebrations.